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It would be useful for machines to use computers as humans do so that they can aid us in everyday tasks. This is a setting in which there is also the potential to leverage large-scale expert demonstrations and human judgements of interactive behaviour, which are two ingredients that have driven much recent success in AI. Here we investigate the setting of computer control using keyboard and mouse, with goals specified via natural language. Instead of focusing on hand-designed curricula and specialized action spaces, we focus on developing a scalable method centered on reinforcement learning combined with behavioural priors informed by actual human-computer interactions. We achieve state-of-the-art and human-level mean performance across all tasks within the MiniWob++ benchmark, a challenging suite of computer control problems, and find strong evidence of cross-task transfer. These results demonstrate the usefulness of a unified human-agent interface when training machines to use computers. Altogether our results suggest a formula for achieving competency beyond MiniWob++ and towards controlling computers, in general, as a human would.
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A long-standing goal of machine-learning-based protein engineering is to accelerate the discovery of novel mutations that improve the function of a known protein. We introduce a sampling framework for evolving proteins in silico that supports mixing and matching a variety of unsupervised models, such as protein language models, and supervised models that predict protein function from sequence. By composing these models, we aim to improve our ability to evaluate unseen mutations and constrain search to regions of sequence space likely to contain functional proteins. Our framework achieves this without any model fine-tuning or re-training by constructing a product of experts distribution directly in discrete protein space. Instead of resorting to brute force search or random sampling, which is typical of classic directed evolution, we introduce a fast MCMC sampler that uses gradients to propose promising mutations. We conduct in silico directed evolution experiments on wide fitness landscapes and across a range of different pre-trained unsupervised models, including a 650M parameter protein language model. Our results demonstrate an ability to efficiently discover variants with high evolutionary likelihood as well as estimated activity multiple mutations away from a wild type protein, suggesting our sampler provides a practical and effective new paradigm for machine-learning-based protein engineering.
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本文介绍了基于2022年国际生物识别技术联合会议(IJCB 2022)举行的基于隐私感知合成训练数据(SYN-MAD)的面部变形攻击检测的摘要。该竞赛吸引了来自学术界和行业的12个参与团队,并在11个不同的国家 /地区举行。最后,参与团队提交了七个有效的意见书,并由组织者进行评估。竞争是为了介绍和吸引解决方案的解决方案,这些解决方案涉及检测面部变形攻击的同时,同时出于道德和法律原因保护人们的隐私。为了确保这一点,培训数据仅限于组织者提供的合成数据。提交的解决方案提出了创新,导致在许多实验环境中表现优于所考虑的基线。评估基准现在可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/marcohuber/syn-mad-2022。
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Offline policy evaluation is a fundamental statistical problem in reinforcement learning that involves estimating the value function of some decision-making policy given data collected by a potentially different policy. In order to tackle problems with complex, high-dimensional observations, there has been significant interest from theoreticians and practitioners alike in understanding the possibility of function approximation in reinforcement learning. Despite significant study, a sharp characterization of when we might expect offline policy evaluation to be tractable, even in the simplest setting of linear function approximation, has so far remained elusive, with a surprising number of strong negative results recently appearing in the literature. In this work, we identify simple control-theoretic and linear-algebraic conditions that are necessary and sufficient for classical methods, in particular Fitted Q-iteration (FQI) and least squares temporal difference learning (LSTD), to succeed at offline policy evaluation. Using this characterization, we establish a precise hierarchy of regimes under which these estimators succeed. We prove that LSTD works under strictly weaker conditions than FQI. Furthermore, we establish that if a problem is not solvable via LSTD, then it cannot be solved by a broad class of linear estimators, even in the limit of infinite data. Taken together, our results provide a complete picture of the behavior of linear estimators for offline policy evaluation, unify previously disparate analyses of canonical algorithms, and provide significantly sharper notions of the underlying statistical complexity of offline policy evaluation.
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